Michele Pero Photography

Briefly, who do I think I can introduce myself? Former war and commercial photographer. On the field since 1992 as a full time photographer. First steps moved in the darkroom in 1984. Crossed digital technologies for my work, from photojournalism to product photography, from architectural to portraiture photography. Returned to analog photography with salt papers, wet collodion, and so on.

I have had exhibitions around Italy and Europe, have published two books and a magazine. Run a blog of photography techniques, both on my website and on the one of the school of photography I founded, 'TheDarkroom Academy'.

Despite the stories of people are the core of my art, at the present times I have turned my camera towards still subjects where people does not appear that much. I use to depict the presence of man without showing the human presence itself. Landscapes, buildings, details of an object are representing my vision of the World now.

I was inspired by the French humanism. The ‘straight photography’ movement is what I admire the most for my art at the present time. I give up sharpness and size for depth of soul and straightforwardness of subject’s message.

These concepts are well represented by my latest projects, mainly made on wet plate collodion and printed on salt paper, cyanotype or Vandyke brown. I like the way old printing techniques allow a less objective interpretation of the subject while open to a broader breath of the art piece.

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