Kate Kraus

Welcome to my store! I'm Kate Kraus, an abstract realist painter from the Czech Republic. I'm working from a studio located in a lovely small town in the heart of Valachia. I have been passionate about creating art her whole life. At a young age, I attended a primary art school where I discovered her talent.

While studying at the university, I traveled to different countries for my studies and for work. These life-changing experiences had a big influence on my personal growth and still greatly impacted my art. Lost in the world, I connected with my true self.

I graduated from the Milan Art Institute in 2021. Through my artwork, I explore themes of freedom and self-discovery, life without limitations. I believe we all have a purpose in our lives and aim to inspire people to follow their dreams and step into their destiny, living a full and authentic life. I often paints bold, free and authentic women who have already stepped into their spotlights, revealing their true and powerful selves to the world. "I believe that art is a powerful tool which can change people's lives and speaks directly to their souls."

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