Jon Reading

Born in the United Kingdom Jon Reading is a self-taught artist; a graphic visionary; his styles and inspirations draw from a strong wealth of eastern and western ideas of harmony and proportion fused with a passion for Vedic traditions. His art can be described as neo classical, a postmodern schizophrenia. ​ “After spending most of my life in and out of Asia I am returning to Britain and to my native born country of Wales. It comes as no surprise that my initial travels to India and Asia on the quest for God and spirituality back in the 80s have led me full circle and I have ended up purchasing a 100 year old chapel in South Wales, at last I can say I am at home with the Creator. ​ In the words on TS Elliot “we shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time." ​ My journey and life’s path so far has been slightly schizophrenic to say the least. From my early days of shaving my head to live with Indian holy men to trading in Led Zeppelin for Ravi Shankar, I substituted my love for British rock music to study the sarod, an ancient Indian stringed instrument. I have been fortunate to have met many inspirational people and humbled in the presence of some great artists and spiritual teachers. ​ In between propagating Indian philosophy, furbishing casinos and creating and promoting art I find myself battling with a passion for a renounced simple life and the love for my Rolls Royce and customized motorcycles, and so happily a state of self-imposed identity crises prevails. ​ To further confuse the situation in 2016 the government of India granted me “P.I.O” immigration status and proclaimed that although born a Caucasian from the Welsh valleys I was in fact an Indian P.I.O (Person of Indian Origin) and the “country of my origin” welcomed me back with open arms conditional to me not voting or owning agricultural land of course! These are strange times indeed.”

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