
I'm a creative conjurer and poet who enjoys spreading love through the many pieces that I create, in whatever medium I am working in at the time. Life and the many doorways we stumble through constantly inspires me. I am blessed to have a muse who is always whispering new ideas in my head. I enjoy giving back, and believe that the arts can make a positive difference in our lives. I have a few auto-immune diseases, including Systemic Lupus, and will always be grateful for the uplifting manner in which art has helped me deal in living with chronic pain. It also enables me to contribute to society, which I am so thankful for.

Thank you so much for having an interest in what I create. Please feel free to contact me on my website, Instagram or YouTube@FromtheBreathofDaydreams or if you are interested in one of my pieces in another form available on here. I always welcome followers who are sincere in their love of the arts.

May your muse shine brightly!

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All by FromtheBreathofDaydreams