Arcane Memory Designs

I was inspired a great deal by my parents to begin this business. When I was a child they had a vintage/ antique shop called ‘Through the Looking Glass’, my mom is a lover of all things Lewis Carroll. It was a two story southern style Victorian home they had transformed into a shop. When I look back on it as an adult I realize how magical it must have been to be around such a beautiful world of treasures.

Being creative was encouraged in my family but more than it being encouraged it seems to be in the blood. Most people in my family, from my parents to my grandparents, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles have amazing creative talents. One day I would love to own a gallery/ shop where I could feature all of the incredible art produced by these prolific people. To share the family legacy with the world is a dream for me and has been since I was very young. I am so proud to be a part of such a soulful, imaginative, intelligent, sophisticated, disciplined, free-spirited, beautiful and magical lineage. Even in the face of life’s greatest pains and sorrows they continue to weave wonders and gaze at the stars. I have seen my family go through some of the most stressful and heart wrenching experiences and still find a way to have those experiences catalyze their art. I carry the torch with a great sense of what it means to be an artist; to live life to the fullest, expressing all the spectrum of emotions, enjoying the world of imagination, while also loving the very real world in which I stand in my everyday life.

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