Ginny Lieberman

Nature is Ginny’s inspiration for life and for her artwork. Ginny wants the to share with the viewer the smell of Cedar that permeates the morning air, the taste of salt by the water’s edge, or the crunch of freshly fallen snow underfoot.

Her Landscapes fall between the ever changing ideology of realism and that of impressionism. Ginny’s point of view is captured in her mark making, and with the flow of lost and found lines and diminished edges she punctuates her truth about nature.

The 'why' and 'what if' are an integral part of her process. Ginny never paints from a singular photo, but instead dissects her subject through dozens of photos and historical information. It is important to her that her landscapes evolve organically, often transforming from her initial point of view. As a self- taught Pastel artist, the atmospheric play between light and shadow in nature became the shiny object at the heart of her work

Ginny’s lives on the beautiful west coast splitting her time between a studio at her daughter’s home in Washington, and her Southern California home with her husband. She is a strong advocate for environmental responsibility and wildlife protection. Ginny believes that through her art she can show a world worth defending.

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